
Sunday 3 February 2013

3 Hidden feathers of Windows 8

3 Hidden feathers of Windows 8

Windows 8: that it's two very good operating systems - one for touch screens, one for mouse and keyboard - idiotically superimposed .

 Three completely overlooked feathers of windows 8:

1. Xbox Music:

 In Windows 8, the term Xbox has nothing to do with the game .It's  just a generic term that Microsoft puts on its online stores.  Xbox Music is a completely great music service . It combines elements of Pandora, in that it can play endless free music in a style you choose; Spotify, in that you can listen to any song or any album or any performer, on command , free; and iTunes, in that you can buy songs to download. It's a Windows 8 exclusive; it doesn't work on Windows 7. And it's free. 

2. Bing magazines:

you get a handful of brilliantly executed, full-screen , perpetually self-updating "magazines" for news, sports, finance and travel. 
Each, behind the scenes, is simply grabbing articles from hundreds of big-name news websites. No hard-to-read color schemes or ugly fonts. No blinking ads, banners or obnoxious animations. They all work essentially alike. 

3. Narrator:

Those who are blind or have limited sight can use Narrator to describe every item on the screen, either in TileWorld or the desktop. It can describe the layout of the Web page, and it makes little sounds to confirm that you've performed a touchscreen gesture correctly. Even if you're not blind Narrator is still handy; it can read your email back to you, or read your web articles as you're getting dressed in the morning. 

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